朗阁教育(沈阳)培训中心 简称:朗阁教育,亦称:沈阳朗阁英语学校朗阁教育集团旗下英语教育旗舰品牌。国内最大的外语培训基地之1,出版近百套专业英语书籍。荟集了上百位优秀中外英语教育专家。国内率先通过SGS(国际3大认证机构)IS09001质量管理体系认证,成为教育培训行业的标志性典范。
创办至今,我们用实际行动感动了学生及家长,雅思学员阅读首考满分9分,学员海外再传雅思听力7.5分捷报,沈阳朗阁走进东北大学、沈阳建筑大学、沈阳理工大学……2011年12月18日,沈阳朗阁举办 “中国第12届雅思年会海外考事大型演讲会”, 朗阁集团顶级培训师贾若寒老师担任主讲嘉宾,沈阳市图书馆千人报告厅座无虚席,会后学员报名踊跃;在2011年度辽沈晚报组织的辽宁地区教育培训机构“教育盛典”活动中,获得 2011年度 “最具口碑外语培训机构”光荣称号。沈阳朗阁扎实的教学作风更是在辽沈大地口碑相传。

我们是贴心的机构,沈城首推封闭住宿班,代报名、送考陪考模考1条龙、助你平步青云,高分不是梦朗阁(沈阳)培训中心,校舍宽敞明亮,教学面积600余平方米,各类教室总计20余间。有1对1、1对4 (VIP)教室,还有能容纳25-50人大中型教室若干间;大中型教室均配置高档投影仪和交互式电子白板,VIP教室均挂有lED电视,大小教室全采用高档吸引板装饰墙面,地面为海绵厚地毯铺地,各教室全封闭教学,上课互不影响,教学设备、教学环境堪称沈城1流! 校址座落在沈阳市和平区青年大街318号, 昌鑫大厦E座7层,距离3好街80米。交通便利,是地铁2号线与4号线的换乘站,公交104、105、224等数十路公交车停靠此站,使您学习出行极为方便。师资介绍中教高学历、高雅思或托福成绩,任教经验丰富。多数教师有海外留学经历,全部通过上海总部统1录取,经培训考试,持证上岗。教师都具备英语专业8级、本科或硕士以上学历,雅思或托福学术水平达到或超过同等任教水平,超过雅思7分甚至8分的教师占80%以上。

国际注册同声翻译Serena,毕业于北京语言大学外国语学院英语系,留学澳洲6年。取得悉尼大学和西悉尼大学双硕士学位,持澳洲国家级注册翻译证。 雅思综合考试8分,其中听力、口语9分(满分);外教主要来自英、美等英联邦国家,并经过严格挑选。高水平的教师队伍。为雅思培训提供了坚实有力的保障。
沈阳朗阁 十2项全能,打造高分冠军!
★ 所有课程均实行双保分,不到承诺分数免费重读;

Longre Training Center was founded in 1999 as the flagship brand of Longre Education Group. Headquartered in Shanghai, it is China’s largest training base for IELTS and Toefl iBT. Presently it owns at least 50 campuses with classroom floor space of over 80,000 square meters in 28 major cities nationwide including Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Qingdao, Jinan, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Haikou, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Lanzhou, Guilin, Nanchang, Dalian, Yangzhou, Nanning and Shijiazhuang. Longre Training Center has a national academic work servicing an annual intake of over 100,000 students.

从海外考试领域到英语培训领域,朗阁培训中心1直致力于雅思(IELTS)、新托福(T0EFL iBT)、口语、企业团训的学术研究,先后出版近百套专业英语书籍。中心还荟集了上百位优秀中外雅思、新托福、口语等语言教育专家。并已经帮助数十万名考生在雅思、新托福、口语领域达到理想高分。成为英语培训领域领军品牌。

Longre Training Center has long been dedicated to academic research in IELTS, Toefl iBT, oral English teaching, as well as corporate English training. Longre has published close to 100 sets of professional books and material on English learning. It has a team of over 100 outstanding domestic and foreign educational specialists who have helped tens of thousands of candidates from different levels prepare for IELTS, Toefl iBT or develop their oral English skills. 0ver the years, Longre has established itself as the leading brand in the English language training industry.


Longre Training Center has also benefited from the academic support of RAFLE(Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations), a professional R&D body which directs its efforts towards research into the examinations of and instruction in foreign language. Drawing heavily on the academic resources accumulated by Longre Education Group during its years of training in foreign language examinations, together with the abundant experience of its expert R&D and management teams, RAFLE conducts extensive academic activities from tracking foreign language examinations, developing teaching methodology and materials, training and certifying teachers, to R&D of new academic products, as well as assessment of scores for overseas studies. RAFLE\'s goal is to bee the industry’s leader in the academic research on foreign language examinations while providing full support for Longre Training Center in its academic activities involving teaching and research on foreign language examinations.

在教学效果上,朗阁培训中心凭借25人小班授课、中外名师联合教学、专业保分承诺、个性化学习方案设计等先进的教学理念和鲜明的教学特色使得学员的雅思、新托福、口语高分通过率超过90%,在行业内遥遥领先。朗阁培训中心,还在国内率先通过SGS(国际3大认证机构)IS09001质量管理体系认证。在教学研发、教学服务、教学标准等方面,已经当之无愧地成为了教育培训行业的标志性典范。Longre Training Center has kept its leading position in the industry by offering distinct qualities such as a maximum of 25students per class, Chinese and foreign teachers, professional guarantee of achievement, and individualized study program design. The Center has a 90% pass rate for IELTS, Toefl iBT and oral tests, which far exceeds our petitors. Longre Training Center was the first private language training institute in the country to pass the IS09001 accreditation awarded by SGS (one of the world’s 3 largest certification panies). Longre Training Center has bee the epitome of success in the language training industry spanning teaching, research and service
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